Continuing the Legacy of Discovery

At, we are carrying forward the groundbreaking work of Dr. Michael Persinger, a pioneer in the study of excess correlation and its implications for extra-sensory perception (ESP). His research challenged conventional science, exploring the possibility that human consciousness might be interconnected in ways we have yet to fully understand.

An Evolution of the Experiment

Though Dr. Persinger passed away in 2018, his work remains as relevant as ever. We are honored to continue his experiment, refining and enhancing the methodology while staying true to its core principles.

Our improvements include:

  • Enhanced power circuit for improved stability
  • Wi-Fi-enabled microcontroller for seamless connectivity
  • Comfortable foam cushioning to eliminate discomfort

Most importantly, we are now bringing this experiment into the digital age. Instead of requiring a physical lab setup, participants can now engage in the study remotely using their smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktops—connecting minds across vast distances like never before.

Your Participation Matters

We aim to collect data from thousands of participants worldwide, rigorously analyzing the results to explore whether telepathic communication is scientifically viable. Dr. Persinger was on the verge of proving that the mind extends beyond the individual, and we are determined to take his research further.

This is your opportunity to be part of a revolutionary scientific endeavor—one that could reshape our understanding of human consciousness.